RACI Matrix for HSPCs

Why have we provided this HSPC guidance for Designers? 

During the HSPC process, it is designers who play a crucial role in ensuring:

  • hazards are identified with design risk management information prepared
  • health and safety aspects of the design, including the function and operation of the structure and its components are fully considered
  • collateral warranties and insurance against the specification of harmful materials is in place
  • designs are appropriately checked and approved.

It is hoped that the designer community will embrace and adopt the RACI and encourage its use with all stakeholders concerned.

RACI Introduction

Written procedures can sometimes leave some doubt as to who is responsible for what actions, including the level of responsibility. A way to clarify this is to include a RACI chart in the procedure as the means to clarify to all who is involved, and the requirements imposed upon them for the actions. 

RACI is the abbreviation for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. It sets out in a matrix format those who have duties in any process. 

During a review of the Health and Safety Project Coordinator (HSPC) process, we looked at ways to improve the understanding and effectiveness of safety in construction project management, particularly in the assignment of responsibilities during the preconstruction phase where the HSPC play a crucial part. This guide is designed for all stakeholders with health and safety responsibilities in projects. You may find it useful. 

This RACI matrix has been populated with all the key activities and duties involved in the HSPC process, which can be found on the gov.je information and public services website under the role of a Health and Safety Project Coordinator (HSPC).  

The matrix sets out the designated roles in the HSPC process, who is responsible, accountable, consulted and informed in terms of, Clients, HSPC’s, Designers, Principal Contractors and Contractors

HSPC RACI Matrix - assigning responsibilities


Using the RACI Matrix

There are two parts to this matrix: roles and activities. Roles always refer to a post, not a named individual, to avoid the need for change if people move on. In the RACI matrix, the role can either be a specific post or a collective post. The activities are the general stages of the process, and are split between general duties, pre-construction/construction, onsite, and additional services (where an HSPC might be used).

The RACI activities have been allocated, showing where ‘accountable’ and ‘responsible’ lie. Some tasks can have more than one RACI term associated with each role. In the matrix, the HSPC  is both responsible and accountable, indicated by A/R on the chart, given they hold accountability for their general duties, and are also responsible for carrying them out. 

There are advantages incorporating a RACI during the pre-construction phase as it provides clarity, by eliminating any misunderstanding to all involved as to who does what, and it makes it easier for a person to clearly see the parts in which they are involved.

We are continually looking at ways to promote improvement and assist those who play a vital part in achieving successful planning and establishment of projects in Jersey and would welcome any feedback on the RACI. 

Please send any comments you may have on the matrix to admin@jsc.je.


Improve your understanding of a range of topics connected with health and safety at work, including hazards and dangers, conducting risk assessments and o...

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